Tuesday, 20 September 2011

Woodland Dreamscapes.

Both of these photos were taken in Ashenbank Wood, in Cobham, Kent, UK, on September 18th, 2011.

I think I may have over-processed these pics a bit, but I quite like the dreamy, ethereal effect.  I find that I have a hard time taking pictures of the woods, because I think the feel of being there is so much more wondrous than the cold, dark images that come out of the camera.  I can never manage to represent the light very well, but after playing with the photos using the iPhone apps "Pixlromatic" (my personal favourite) and "PEStudio" (which I'm still learning to mess around with) I'm slightly more pleased with the outcome.

1 comment:

  1. Almost like Thomas Kinkade landscapes. Although ten times better and not half as twee.

