Friday, 30 September 2011


Oddly enough, this looks a bit like a hand-coloured photo, doesn't it?  I have no idea how I did that, but I kind of like the effect.  Either way, here's another view of the Rochester Castle at the end of September, 2011.  These lovely, crisp autumn days are putting the past few damp, cold summers to shame!  Apple-picking soon, perhaps?

Thursday, 29 September 2011

The River Medway, Lovely as Ever.

The husband and I took a lovely little stroll along the edge of the River Medway, on the Embankment in Rochester, Kent.  The light was right, the view was clear, and the tide was low. Who knew Strood could look so lovely!? (just kidding!) (kinda)

Somehow the sunsets in the autumn always seem a bit more vibrant than during the rest of the year.  I could be completely wrong about that, but we've had some good ones recently, anyway.  And here one is!  These pics were taken September 25th, 2011.

Tuesday, 27 September 2011

Just Think Of The Sledging To Be Had!

I spent a lovely Sunday at Saint Margaret's Church.  Not inside it, but taking pictures of it, of course.  It sure cuts a lovely silhouette on a bright day!

Friday, 23 September 2011

Antiques and Collectables

I love this shop!  I swear, in the last 2 years I've lived here, their street display hasn't changed.  A bit.  There's some comfort in knowing that the same Victorian jugs will be there, on the street, every time I go downtown. This shop is famous, though, for more than just the same Victorian jugs; they carry an amazing selection of used books and Rochester charm that people travel miles to come and see.  Hurray for independent business and unwanted Victorian jugs!

Wednesday, 21 September 2011

Strood's Night Life

This photo was taken from Saint Margaret's Church yard on September 21st, 2011.  The view is looking out over the River Medway from the Rochester side to Strood and Cuxton.

This is a close-up of the same view.  Yay night-time digital photography!

Tuesday, 20 September 2011

Woodland Dreamscapes.

Both of these photos were taken in Ashenbank Wood, in Cobham, Kent, UK, on September 18th, 2011.

I think I may have over-processed these pics a bit, but I quite like the dreamy, ethereal effect.  I find that I have a hard time taking pictures of the woods, because I think the feel of being there is so much more wondrous than the cold, dark images that come out of the camera.  I can never manage to represent the light very well, but after playing with the photos using the iPhone apps "Pixlromatic" (my personal favourite) and "PEStudio" (which I'm still learning to mess around with) I'm slightly more pleased with the outcome.

Sunday, 18 September 2011

How to Look Cool in the Rain. Holding an Accordion.

The Faversham Hop Festival always seems to bring out the best in Kent.  Unfortunately, I was working all that weekend, but my husband was there with Wolf's Head and Vixen Morris, and he took these great photos.

Two accordions, a drum and a guitar: sounds like a great time to me!
Photos taken at the Faversham Hop Festival, 2011.

Saturday, 17 September 2011

I Spy...

I spy a cathedral through a window in Rochester Castle's wall!  The funny thing is, the castle and the cathedral are basically the same age (1000 years old).  I think it says a lot about what people value - the cathedral is still in perfect working order and fabulous condition, and the castle is all but derelict and a hollow shell of a building.  Both are interesting, but only one has a roof.  Photo taken September 9th, 2011.

Friday, 16 September 2011

Back Inside the Cathedral

This is the ceiling of one of the wings of the Rochester Cathedral.  There's another version of this viewpoint a few posts down, but I really liked the symmetry of this version.

This is the stained glass in the same wing.  I'm not really doing the cathedral justice by only showing off one small corner of it, but boy, is this one small corner breathtaking!  Photos taken mid-September in the Rochester Cathedral, Rochester, Kent, UK.

Wednesday, 14 September 2011

Hooray! I Hav Duh Ball! Pink!

Simple pleasures for *ahem* simple dogs.  Photo taken of Scooter McGee on September 13th, 2011, at Saint Margaret's Church in Rochester, Kent, UK.

Monkey Business. Or Monkeying Around. Or Some Other Equally Obvious Title.

I was walking the dog in my neighbourhood today, when I happened to glance up high into a random bush.  As you can see, I happened to find a little face staring out at me.  Quite amusing.  And surprising.  And then I pointed it out to my husband, who informed me that it had actually been him who put it in the bush to begin with, when he had found it on the ground a few days earlier in the rain and felt bad for it.  Which was somehow even more amusing.  And less surprising.
Photo taken September 13th, 2011.

Monday, 12 September 2011

Protection From Strood.

If Strood ever tries to invade Rochester, we got it covered.  We're looking at you, too, Cuxton.  Don't even think about it.

An American Bean Tree Right Here in Rochester!

This American Bean Tree (Catalpa) was planted right between the Rochester Cathedral and Rochester Castle over 100 years ago!  Who woulda thunk it? I just want to note, though, as an American, I'm a bit of an authority on American beans and American Trees, and I think it important to mention that we don't usually grow our beans on trees.  usually our trees are bean-free, and usually our beans are without tree.  So when we get a bean-filled tree, I guess we like to export them to show off a bit.

Sunday, 11 September 2011

The World Through Hipstamatic Coloured Glasses

This is a wing of the Rochester Cathedral, as seen through the Hipstamatic camera.  Yay hipster iphone apps!

The ceiling of one of the wings of the Rochester Cathedral.  The pendant lights are really stunning.  Hipstamatic strikes again!  Photos taken early September, 2011.

Get Into Focus.

Look closely, and you'll see another picture in the making.  Photo taken at Saint Margaret's Church, in Rochester, Kent, UK, in early September 2011.

Just to Round Out the Group...

One last picture of the water lilies at Charles Dickens' chalet in Rochester, Kent, UK.  Photo taken early September, 2011.

Friday, 9 September 2011

Monet and Chuck Dickens Should Have Been Friends.

Surprisingly, these aquatic photos were taken just outside where Charles Dickens' chalet now sits in Rochester, Kent, UK.  I'll post pictures of the chalet later, but for now I wanted to share the beauty I found in this little man-made pond just off the high street.  Pictures taken September 7th, 2011.

Lovely lovely lily pads.  Just ripe for some impressionist to come along and use them as inspiration for a blurry painting. 

Thursday, 8 September 2011

Life is Sweet!

The Candy Bar, Rochester, Kent, UK.

Aaaaand right across the street, Sweet Expectations.  Rochester, Kent, UK.
A town with two candy shops is a beautiful thing!  Especially ye-oldy-timey candy shoppes!

Photos taken early September, 2011.

The Castle at the End of My Street

Rochester Castle, on a bright yet damp September morning.  Photo taken September 7th, 2011.

Wednesday, 7 September 2011

They Should Really Try to Do Something About Those Potholes.

Herne Bay, Where I found some fossilized wood.  I forget when this photo was taken, but it was during 2010.

Just Once in a Blue Moon

I was taking pictures at Rochester Castle today, and got caught in a downpour.  I quickly ducked under the steps of the castle to get out of the rain, and had to find something to do with the next 15 minutes, so I turned the camera on myself for a full face pic.  This is a very rare occurrence, so enjoy it while it lasts!  Photo taken September 7th, 2011.

Tuesday, 6 September 2011

Too Cool for School

I know, I know, I'm awesome.  The fake Raybans say it all.

My Favourite Picture

Ightham Woods, as interpreted by me.  I LOVE this photo.  Photo take August 29th, 2011.

Nature's Weapon of Choice, Beautified

"Thank You" to my ever-lovely husband, Stephen.  He took this gorgeous photo of a chestnut at Saint Margaret's Church in Rochester, Kent, UK.  Photo taken September 6th, 2011.

Portrait of a Bus Driver

Photo taken of the 700/701 Arriva Bus at Bluewater, September 6th, 2011.  Welcome Aboard!

Presented to You Without Filter.

The sky at Bluewater went from looking violent and angry to delicate and beautiful in record time today.  I decided to capture delicate and beautiful.  This is without a filter.  Nature at its best needs no editing.  Photo taken September 6th, 2011.

Memoriae Sacra

Tombstones, re-purposed as steps at Saint Margaret's Church in Rochester, Kent.  Photo taken September 3rd, 2011.

I'm OCD for Symmetry...

Thank you, Rochester Cathedral, for given me my daily fix of pleasing mathematical proportions.  Photo taken September 3rd, 2011.

A Thing of Wonder.

I somehow made the cathedral look like a Disney Castle.  The magic of iPhone filters!  Photo taken September 3rd, 2011.

How to Look Good When You Turn 1,000.

The Rochester Cathedral in Rochester, Kent, UK.  Unfortunately, pictures really could never do it justice - although massive and angular, the building is extremely graceful and unprepossessing, which is probably a worthy thing for us all to strive to become (being graceful and unprepossessing, that is, not so much massive and angular). Photo taken early September, 2011.

Fabulous Bone Structure.

Just one of the many gorgeous trees in The Vines in Rochester, Kent, UK.  Photo taken in early September, 2011.

Dead But Not Fallen.

The centre of The Vines, In Rochester, Kent, UK.  The tree second from the right died in the 80's, but instead of being taken down and replaced, the stump was carved into the form of a praying monk. This carving now stands as a peaceful and beautiful reminder of The Vines' history: originally existing as a vineyard for Rochester's monks.  Photo taken in early September, 2011.

Made For Strolling...

The view from a corner of The Vines, in Rochester, Kent, UK.  Photo taken in early September, 2011.

Summer Ends With a Smattering of Horse Chestnuts.

When nature starts littering, I know it's time to put away the shorts.  And grab a hat for protection.  This view is from the yard at Saint Margaret's Church, in Rochester, Kent, UK, and looks out over the River Medway onto Strood.  Photo taken in early September, 2011.

Are You There, God? It's Me, at Saint Margaret's...

Saint Margaret's Church in Rochester, Kent, UK.  Photo taken early September, 2011.

Long Distance Relationships.

Benches in The Vines, in Rochester, Kent, UK.  Photo taken in early September, 2011.

Have a seat.

Benches in The Vines in Rochester, Kent, UK.  Photo taken early September, 2011.