Wednesday 28 December 2011

Rochester Cathedral, take 3

I think that sometimes it helps my creative process to look at familiar places from different angles.  Suddenly, these everyday images look fresh and new and beautiful again, like I've just stumbled upon some special new world.

If you want to try something really interesting, I dare you to turn the picture upside down and see what kinds of new details jump out at you. The brain works in wonderful ways.

This photo was taken at Rochester Cathedral, in Rochester, Kent, UK, in late December 2011.

Monday 26 December 2011

Another Fabulous Portrait, Brought To You By The V&A

The dreamy eyes say "Yes", while the missing teeth say "Oh dear god, No."  The ancient Burmese had an interesting take on beauty.

Photo taken at the V&A Museum in London in mid-December, 2011.

Saturday 24 December 2011

No, I Will Not Give You Any Context.

But suffice to say, it did have something to do with Christmas festivities in Rochester.  Yeah, I know.

Friday 23 December 2011

It Takes a Lot of Tubes to Make This Thing Work

What are they all for?  What do they all do? Where do they all go?  Just one of the many mysteries at London's Notting Hill Station.

Tuesday 20 December 2011

Now You See It, Now You Don't.

 I was in London a couple days ago with my husband, and at one point we found ourselves at the Notting Hill Gate subway station.  What to do with 5 spare minutes on a subway platform?  Take pictures, of course!

It's hard to glamorize the London underground.  ::sigh::

Thursday 8 December 2011

Love on the Streets of Bluewater

I was walking to work the other day, and I saw a piece of packaging in a back corridor of Bluewater (a shopping mall in Kent).  I didn't manipulate the packaging in any way.  And it made me smile.