Saturday 19 November 2011

More Night Photography

I enjoy taking photos at night.  I'm not sure why, but as you can probably tell from this blog, I like different light effects and saturations and a certain amount of surrealism in my photos. This is a photo of Cuxton and Strood taken from Saint Margaret's church in mid-November at night, and I love the slightly ephemeral feeling captured with the vaguely blurred capture.  And the balance of black with the line of light is somehow visually appealing.  So there we go.  Another photo in the lineup.

Autumn Is On A Roll

This is what the Smoke Bush out in my front garden looked like this morning.  I hadn't noticed in past years just how vibrant this plant becomes in the fall, but I was really pleasantly surprised to take a closer look as I left the house today.  How I've missed these gorgeous colours the last few days/weeks/possibly months is beyond me, but I'll be the first to admit that when I'm leaving for work at 7am I'm not the most observant tack in the box.  Nor when I get home at 7 pm.  Nor at any point in the middle, really.

Wednesday 16 November 2011

The Colours of Autumn

Sometimes, when the nights are drawing in and the days are growing colder and there just doesn't seem to be enough layers in my wardrobe, it's nice to look down and see how beautiful the ground has become and be reminded of why I put up with the autumn.  As if I had a choice.

I have no idea what kind of a plant this is, but the spider-like seed heads were intriguing, and seemed to be enjoying the warmish mid-November sun as much as me.